Having a Pre-Paid Funeral Plan in place, means that you are securing the cost of your funeral at today's prices, with the cost of funerals set to rise over the coming years, you know that having secured the cost at today's prices, your family wont have to worry about paying for your funeral in the future, or were that money is going to come from. 
In the Uk we really are not very good at talking about getting old, futer lans, let alone death or our funerals, with many people putting off talking about the subject, or even getting annoyed with family if they try to broach the subject with us. 
Having a Pre Paid Funeral Plan in place, means we can sort out our affairs relating to our funeral so that are wishes are in place, and our familes do not have the emational distress and heartache wondering what our wishes would have been. 
The price of a Pre-Paid Funeral Plane varies from around £3,000 (sometimes less if the plan is very basic), to around £5000, and you usually have the option to pay, either in a single lump sum, or you can spread the cost monthly over 12 months to ten years. 
What is covered within a Funeral Plan, depends upon the provider and the funeral plan chosen, some include third party fees such as doctors fees, Ministers fees etc, wheras some plans don't, some plans will cover the cost of one or more limousines, again other plans don't, so it is always a good idea to check what is included in the plan that you are purchasing. 
Most Providers will use a Trust Fund, others may use an Insurance policy
Money held in a Trust Fund is usually ringfenced away from the provider itself and managed by specialist Solicitors and Investors to enusre that the money is always there to pay for any funeral that is covered by the providers Funeral Plan. 
Having a Pre-Paid Funeral Plan, helps your family during a very emotional time, it is one less thing for them to have to worry about and deall with. 
If you are interested in finding out more abot Pre-Paid Funeral Plans please contact Angela on 07825 331447 
Tagged as: Funeral Plans
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