Posts tagged “Dementia”

One thrid of us know someone who has been diagnosed with dementia
Research shows that rates of dementia are rising in the UK. 
More than half of UK adults know someone who has been diagnosed with dementia and it’s estimated that one in three people born in the UK in 2022 will develop dementia in their lifetime. 
One way for the people affected and their loved ones to retain control over decisions about medical treatment and healthcare is to make an ‘advanced decision’. 
Have you noticed signs of confusion or forgetfulness in an older friend or relation? 
You might find their slippers in the oven or forgotten bills in the bread bin. 
These small lapses could be due to worries or a short-term illness, but they could also suggest that it’s time to take some important steps. 
Those of us currently leading active, healthy lives can look forward to living for many more years than earlier generations. 
However, the Alzheimer’s Society has recently published figures showing the number of people living with dementia will more than double in the coming decades, partly because we are all living longer. 
When you’re heading into your later years, one concern that will probably persistently niggle at the back of your mind is the risk of dementia. 
Steps to prevent dementia 
In an ideal world we could all delay or avoid the onset of dementia entirely. 
There is now a new national plan for family doctors to assess your dementia risks as part of the NHS health check, which is offered to patients aged between 40 and 74. You will be asked about your current lifestyle and be advised about steps you can take to reduce your level of risk.