Posts from February 2017

Most people do not class making a Will as something of importance, not being a priority they tend only to only consider making a Will if something happens such as they or someone close is diagnosed with a terminal illness, or someone close has had something unfortunate happen. 
Dementia and Alzheimer's Disease are now classed as being the biggest cause of death in the UK. As we are an ageing population, this I guess is hardly surprising. 
Putting Lasting Power of Attorney in place will enable a person to plan ahead, should something happen in the future and they are no longer able to make their own decisions, being diagnosed with Dementia or Alzheimer's Disease means that as the condition progresses the likelihood of the person being able to make their own decisions becomes more apparent. 
Denise Brewster lost her long-term partner Lenny McMullan whom she had been co-habiting with for over 10 years, they had brought their home together and were planning on getting married.