Posts tagged “Wills”

Wegging rings can change your life but you need to update your Will.
Did you know that, even if you have a legally valid Will, it becomes void when you marry? 
This is because the law in England and Wales sees marriage as a significant change to your finances and commitments. It assumes you will want to review your previous arrangements. 
A gavel and screens in a courtroom - Attesting witnesses should attend court if there's a dispute about a Will.
Recently two sisters went to the High Court due to a dispute about their mother’s Will. 
When someone makes a Will they must sign it and then witnesses must confirm or ‘attest’ they believe the signature is theirs. They must also sign the Will. 
Traditionally, when a Will is challenged the attesting witnesses come to court to give evidence. In this case the Court had to re-examine this rule. 
Parents with young children should include them in their Wills.
Every year, thousands of children under the age of 18 lose one of their parents. As long as both parents are co-guardians then their remaining parent can look after them. 
However, more than half of the UK’s parents don’t have a valid Will. They might not have one at all or they have one that’s out of date. 
A fire-proof filing box can keep important documents safe, like your Will.
Once you’ve confirmed the details in your Will and it’s properly signed and witnessed what should happen next? 
It’s easy to forget how important it is, after taking the trouble to write your Will, to keep it safe and make sure it’s easy to find.