I have recently received some enquiries from family members who want to bring loved ones home from care. 
Vulnerable people living in a care home might need extra help because of age-related illnesses or pre-existing medical conditions. 
If your loved on is in a care home you can't legally remove them.
Wegging rings can change your life but you need to update your Will.
Did you know that, even if you have a legally valid Will, it becomes void when you marry? 
This is because the law in England and Wales sees marriage as a significant change to your finances and commitments. It assumes you will want to review your previous arrangements. 
A gavel and screens in a courtroom - Attesting witnesses should attend court if there's a dispute about a Will.
Recently two sisters went to the High Court due to a dispute about their mother’s Will. 
When someone makes a Will they must sign it and then witnesses must confirm or ‘attest’ they believe the signature is theirs. They must also sign the Will. 
Traditionally, when a Will is challenged the attesting witnesses come to court to give evidence. In this case the Court had to re-examine this rule.