Health care experts say that just 25 per cent of older women and 20 per cent of older men do any exercise at all. It is recommended that we should all be undertaking 150 minutes of exercise weekly, however some studies show that only 2 per cent of older adults manage to achieve this target. 
Doctors along with some age related charities have written to the British Medical Journal, stating that many older people believe that exercise is just for the young. There needs to be a shift in peoples attitudes. As an ageing population, if we do not exercise as we get older to keep ourselves physically fit, there will be an even greater demand on social care. Experts are calling upon the elderly to take responsibility and understand their role in keeping themselves fit and healthy to lesson the demand for social care in the future. 
Currently the cost of social care exceeds £100 billion pounds every year, and as we an ageing population this cost will continue to rise year on year. 
It has been proven that if older people regularly exercise and keep themselves active, that this can reverse physical decline and frailty, keeping older adults out of care homes. Exercise in older adults has also been proven to improve mental health, thus reducing the risk of dementia. 
Attitudes in the past have always been to say to adults as they get older, 'to rest and take it easy', in hospitals, people send more than 80 per cent of their time laying in their hospital bed (for some their health condition will warrant this), but for others, laying in bed may actually be detrimental to their health and actually be causing a lot more damage than good, laying in bed for long periods of time can cause illness or make some conditions worse. Experts are calling upon hospitals to look at ways of actively helping patients to get physically better. 
There are many clubs and activities popping up now a days, such as walking groups, gardening clubs, keep active clubs, Volunteering clubs, all of these groups and activities are showing that they really do help with improving the older adults heath and well-being, and those suffering from long term health conditions. 
In and around Northamptonshire, I know of a gentleman by the name of, Jason Williams, who works for Age UK and also NHS Trust, whom is very passionate about helping older people to get active and get fit, promoting and being part of friendship and wellness clubs and walking clubs, all aimed at the older adult. 
We should all take responsibility and help ourselves to get fit, keep fit and stay fit. 
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