Posts tagged “property”

Books and gavel on a white background
We’re told that waiting times for grants of probate have now been reduced to around five weeks. 
HM Courts & Tribunals Service (HMCTS) says that the number of grants issued each week is now higher than the number of applications being received. 
If you apply for probate online, an option that was introduced in November last year, you should only have to wait around four weeks. If there aren’t any errors or omissions in the application, it could even be handled in a week. 
If you submit the paper forms instead, you should receive your grant within eight weeks. 
However, this is just the beginning of the process of administering an estate on behalf of a friend or family member. 
black and gold pen and Last Will and Testament
There are reports that challenges to historic Wills have increased by up to 400% this year. 
In some cases, challenges are being made several years after an estate has been settled. 
People are enquiring about the possibility of challenging the Wills of friends and family members, believing they have a claim to money or assets, although they weren’t declared at the time. 
Some of the UK’s biggest banks, building societies and insurance companies are discussing how to improve services for bereaved customers. 
More than 60 organisations, including major banks, intermediaries and brokers are involved in creating a new Bereavement Standard. 
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Did you know that a caveat can be used to prevent a grant of probate? 
What could this mean for your friends and family? 

What is a caveat? 

A caveat is used to ask someone to suspend an action. In the case of your Will, it could be used to stop your executors obtaining a grant of probate. If you don’t have a Will, it could be used to prevent your family obtaining letters of administration. 
During the coronavirus pandemic we have seen some upsetting examples of how elderly people have felt lost and abandoned when their families are unable to visit them in their care home. 
This has been an exceptional time. In most cases your loved ones will be happy and well looked after in their care home, but it isn’t surprising that many families wanted to bring their relatives home during the outbreak. 
People are now more than ever realising that their affairs should be put in order. And with the situation as it currently is, there is a sharp rise in people suddenly jumping on the bandwagon and setting themselves up in their bedroom as Will Writers, offering cheap online Wills. So why should you choose someone like Angela Jane Will Writing over a online cheap will? 
Whether it’s your first purchase, or one of many, buying a property is a big investment that will be included in your estate. 
Although you aren’t required to have a Will in place when you buy a property, it’s important to be clear about what you want to happen to it when you die. 
In June a couple succeeded in their legal bid to have civil partnerships recognised for heterosexual couples. 
The Supreme Court said the Civil Partnership Act, which currently applies only to same-sex couples, is incompatible with the European Convention on Human Rights. 
However, the judgement doesn’t mean that the government will have to change the law.